
Cat Castration:

  • Castration is especially recommended for outdoor cats, as there are alot of unwanted kittens due to lack of neuter/spay. Inside the uncastrated cat often sprays having reached puberty, so it is a common reason for castration of indoor cats.
  • Cat castration is a quick procedure, from which the cat usually recovers quickly. The cat receives pain medications and local analgesia during surgery.


Dog Castration:

  • Castration of the male dog can be used to prevent, for example, prostate disease and urine marking. If the dog’s testicles have not descended normally, castration is highly recommended, as tumors can develop in the undescended testicle.
  • Dog castration is done under general anesthesia. In our clinic, the dog is in inhalation anesthesia and intravenous fluids and receives pain medications and local analgesics.


Rabbit Castration:

  • Rabbit castration is done at our clinic. The rabbit receives intravenous fluids and pain medications and local analgesics.


Chemical castration is an alternative to traditional castration if you don’t want to sedate the dog for surgery. During the procedure, a hormonal implant is placed subcutaneously, resulting in decreased testosterone levels in the dog. Implants have two different strengths, they can achieve either 6 months or 12 months duration of effect.

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